I am delighted by landscapes, architectural structures, shapes, cartoons and stylized design. I strive to capture how I perceive the world, rather than how it looks on the surface. In that vein, I employ pattern, color and texture as a vehicle to express moments in time.
My grandmother was a painter who founded the Cheltenham Art Center in PA and my mother is a metalsmith, quilter and painter. As a child in NJ, I created crafts and art at home (drawing, painting, batik, clay, embroidery, soldering, enamels/cloisonne) and was frequently exposed to art in NY museums and galleries.
I majored in Art in college and due to a quirk of fate, moved to Hawaii after graduation where I lived for about 15 years. There, I worked for myself, having some successful (and failed) business ventures, including printed t-shirts and a graphic design / illustration studio. I also traveled to SE Asia, the Pacific and South America, drawing what I saw around me in (now) treasured sketchbooks.
Moving to the Bay Area in 1998, I discovered a vastly different kind of landscape than that of my two previous homes. California’s rugged coastline, rolling hills and towering granite provide me with a never-ending source of material to draw from but I just love to sketch and paint wherever I go.