ICBAA Website Submission Instructions

If you are an ICBAA member who does not yet have a page on our website, you can simply fill in the form on this link, and we will create a page for you.  In addition to artwork images and a portrait photo, you also will need to provide your studio number, website address, artist statement and artistic medium. 

For those who wish to make text or image changes to your existing ICBAA profile page, you may also use this link.

 After you have finished uploading your information, notify Elizabeth Geisler via email, so she knows to check the database for your new information.** 


**Important:  Please do not send submissions to Elizabeth’s email, only notify her that you have uploaded your information to the database.


Please follow the following size, resolution and file naming instructions for the images:

Image of artwork for artists directory page: 300px on longest side — can be square, vertical or horizontal image, 72dpi resolution. **Please title the image “lastname_directory.jpg”

The portrait image that appears on your individual page should be 750px wide, and 72dpi resolution. **Please title image “lastname_protrait.jpg”

The 6 artwork images that appear on your individual page should be 750px wide, and 72dpi resolution. **Please title “lastname_art1.jpg”, “lastname_art2.jpg”, “lastname_art3.jpg”, “lastname_art4.jpg”, “lastname_art5.jpg”, “lastname_art6.jpg” – with the numbers signifying the order in which you’d like the images to appear.

For those who might need a little help resizing photos, we've included links to Photo Resizing Tutorials below:

PhotoShop:  https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/resizing-image.html

Windows using the Photos App: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-resize-an-image-on-windows

Mac using the Mac's Preview App: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-resize-an-image-on-mac