Gretchen Evans

Studio 278A
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Gretchen Evans ICB Artists Association Member

When working as an interior designer for 25 years, interiors became my canvases. So when I went back to painting with "real" canvases in my Montreal studio, not surprisingly, my first attempts were images of studio interiors and objects. A Pillar series began with an industrial support post in my studio, evolved into classical Greek, totem, circus, & calligraphic columns ending with an ionic eyed ET painting. Both in Montreal and Sausalito, I have painted from live models typically positioned mysteriously with backs in the forefront.

My latest Disappearing Women series relates to the secondary "roles" women have played throughout history. Disappearing Woman II is being shown in the DeYoung Open 2023. A new Foodscape series has emerged as well from a Bird's eye view Topography series. My work is loose, free-flowing & non-conforming yet with recognizable imagery as well as abstracts. The mediums I use are acrylics, oil stick, collage on paper and canvas as well as monoprints with akua ink & "chine colle" on paper.