Delisa Sage

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Delisa Sage is a San Rafael California artist who has sold her art nationally as well as internationally. She is a mixed media, collage artist who uses paint, found objects, vintage pieces, glass slides, beeswax, and handmade papers. Her latest exploration is in textile design. Delisa is influenced by sacred geometry, nature, and her own process of meditation and visualization. Her work involves playing with color, pattern and textures to layer her pieces and create depth of field. She is an interior designer for commercial as well as residential projects.

Delisa also does commissioned art utilizing client’s imagery. She has taught visualization and collage workshops for over 30 years. Delisa owned Collage Gallery in San Francisco for 20 years. She has shown her work in numerous galleries and is featured in corporate collections. Delisa is currently painting and teaching collage workshops at her studio in the ICB Art Building in Sausalito, California.